Toilets and German Bahnhöfen are often cost-saving. Now it is necessary to travel all the time: An entire journey will take place during your travels and you will enjoy the benefits of 50 percent.

There are now few open toilets at German railway stations. Wer deshalb ein sauberes und gepflegtes WC vorfinden wil, nutzt in de meisten Fallen de Sanitäranlagen von Privatanbietern wie Sanifair or der rail & fresh. The Verwendung hat jedoch seinen Preis. Over time, Bisher allows toilet use to amount to one euro.

A larger Bahnhof in Germany with the price for the Bahnhof toilets is one of the best options. Dort zahlen Nutzer der Anlagen von Sanifair and rail & fresh ab sofort 50 Cent more.

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Erhöhte WC-Preise: Diese Bahnhöfe has been affected

Sanitary 1 euroSanitary 1 euro

Sanitary 1 euro

The following Bahnhof is affected by the high price received by the private company:

track & verse:


Deshalb is now no longer private

Hand full of MünzenHand full of Münzen

Hand full of Münzen

Sanifair is self-determination of the costs of the bet and material costs, such as a washer, strom or dem personal. Außerdem gilded die Erhöhung nur für Raststätten, die “besides the time spent on processing”who wrote a Sprecher der Tank-&-Rast-Gruppe dem travel reporter.

Also be sure to have rail & fresh clothes with Anstiege durchgehenden Öffnungszeiten from Anlagen zu tun, who reports the Rheinische Post. The brand is one of the best representatives of American healthcare, which has been able to respond to the world with the “advancement of recent years”. If the value of the 50 Cent is higher, the nuts will end after harvest for both parties, and that is not the case.

If the toilets of the toilet are no longer available, there will be no cost-free alternatives in the future, but this may also be the case various apps availableI will follow the next step.

We will become even more limited: free apps for using toilets in the future

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